Source code for validx.exc.formatter

from . import errors

[docs]class Formatter(object): """ Error Formatter :param dict templates: templates that will be used to format errors. Each key of ``templates`` should be a subclass of :class:`validx.exc.ValidationError`. Each value of ``templates`` should be a string, i.e. simple template, or list of conditional templates. Conditional template is a tuple ``(predicate, string)``. Where ``predicate`` is a callable, that accepts :class:`validx.exc.ValidationError` and returns boolean value. When the predicate evaluates to ``True``, its corresponding string will be used as a template. Last value of list of conditional templates can be a string, i.e. default simple template. See ``format_error`` object, defined within the module, as an example. """ def __init__(self, templates): assert isinstance(templates, dict), templates for exc_class, template in templates.items(): assert isinstance(exc_class, type), exc_class assert issubclass(exc_class, errors.ValidationError), exc_class assert isinstance(template, (str, list, tuple)), template if isinstance(template, (list, tuple)): for f in template: assert isinstance(f, (str, tuple)) if isinstance(f, tuple): assert len(f) == 2, f assert callable(f[0]), f[0] assert isinstance(f[1], str), f[1] self._templates = templates
[docs] def __call__(self, error): """ Format Error :param ValidationError error: error to format. :returns: list of context/message pairs: ``[(str, str), ...]``. """ result = [] error.sort() for e in error: context = e.format_context() template = self._templates.get(type(e)) if template is None: result.append((context, e.format_error())) elif isinstance(template, str): result.append((context, template.format(e))) elif isinstance(template, (list, tuple)): for f in template: if isinstance(f, tuple) and f[0](e): result.append((context, f[1].format(e))) break elif isinstance(f, str): result.append((context, f.format(e))) break else: result.append((context, e.format_error())) return result
format_error = Formatter( { errors.InvalidTypeError: [ (lambda error: error.actual is type(None), "Value should not be null."), "Expected type “{0.expected.__name__}”, got “{0.actual.__name__}”.", ], errors.OptionsError: [ ( lambda error: len(error.expected) == 1, "Expected {0.expected[0]}, got {0.actual}.", ), "Expected one of {0.expected}, got {0.actual}.", ], errors.MinValueError: "Expected value ≥ {0.expected}, got {0.actual}.", errors.MaxValueError: "Expected value ≤ {0.expected}, got {0.actual}.", errors.FloatValueError: [ ( lambda error: error.expected == "finite" and error.actual < 0, "Expected finite number, got -∞.", ), ( lambda error: error.expected == "finite" and error.actual > 0, "Expected finite number, got +∞.", ), (lambda error: error.expected == "number", "Expected number, got NaN."), ], errors.StrDecodeError: "Cannot decode value using “{0.expected}” encoding.", errors.MinLengthError: "Expected value length ≥ {0.expected}, got {0.actual}.", errors.MaxLengthError: "Expected value length ≤ {0.expected}, got {0.actual}.", errors.TupleLengthError: [ ( lambda error: error.expected == 1, "Expected exactly 1 element, got {0.actual}.", ), "Expected exactly {0.expected} elements, got {0.actual}.", ], errors.PatternMatchError: "Cannot match “{0.actual}” using “{0.expected}”.", errors.DatetimeParseError: [ ( lambda error: isinstance(error.expected, str), "Cannot parse date/time value from “{0.actual}” using “{0.expected}” format.", ), "Cannot parse date/time value from “{0.actual}”.", ], errors.DatetimeTypeError: [ ( lambda error: error.expected == "naive", "Naive date/time object is expected.", ), ( lambda error: error.expected == "tzaware", "Timezone-aware date/time object is expected.", ), ], errors.RecursionMaxDepthError: ( "Too many nested structures, limit is {0.expected}." ), errors.ForbiddenKeyError: "Key is not allowed.", errors.MissingKeyError: "Required key is not provided.", } )