Source code for validx.exc.errors

from collections import deque
from import Sequence

[docs]class ValidationError(ValueError, Sequence): """ Validation Error Base Class :param deque context: error context, empty ``deque`` by default. :param \\**kw: concrete error attributes. Since validators try to process as much as possible, they can raise multiple errors (wrapped by :class:`validx.exc.SchemaError`). To unify handling of such errors, each validation error provides ``Sequence`` interface. It means, you can iterate them, get their length, get nested errors by index, and sort nested errors by context. Error context is a full path, that indicates where the error occurred. It contains mapping keys, sequence indexes, and special markers (see :class:`validx.exc.Extra` and :class:`validx.exc.Step`). .. doctest:: validation_error >>> from validx import exc, Dict, List, Int >>> schema = Dict({"foo": List(Int(max=100))}) >>> try: ... schema({"foo": [1, 2, 200, 250], "bar": None}) ... except exc.ValidationError as e: ... error = e >>> error.sort() >>> error <SchemaError(errors=[ <bar: ForbiddenKeyError()>, <foo.2: MaxValueError(expected=100, actual=200)>, <foo.3: MaxValueError(expected=100, actual=250)> ])> >>> len(error) 3 >>> error[1] <foo.2: MaxValueError(expected=100, actual=200)> >>> error[1].context deque(['foo', 2]) >>> error[1].format_context() 'foo.2' >>> error[1].format_error() 'MaxValueError(expected=100, actual=200)' >>> error.sort(reverse=True) >>> error <SchemaError(errors=[ <foo.3: MaxValueError(expected=100, actual=250)>, <foo.2: MaxValueError(expected=100, actual=200)>, <bar: ForbiddenKeyError()> ])> """ __slots__ = ("context",) def __init__(self, context=None, *args, **kw): self.context = context or deque() for slot, value in dict(zip(self.__slots__[1:], args), **kw).items(): setattr(self, slot, value) super(ValidationError, self).__init__( *(getattr(self, slot) for slot in self.__slots__) )
[docs] def add_context(self, node): """ Add error context :param node: key or index of member, where error is raised. :returns: the error itself, so that the method is suitable for chaining. Example: .. doctest:: add_context >>> from validx.exc import ValidationError >>> e = ValidationError() >>> e <ValidationError()> >>> e.context deque([]) >>> e.add_context("foo") <foo: ValidationError()> >>> e.context deque(['foo']) """ self.context.appendleft(node) return self
def __getitem__(self, index): if index != 0: raise IndexError(index) return self def __len__(self): return 1 def __iter__(self): yield self def sort(self, key=None, reverse=False): pass def __repr__(self): if self.context: return "<%s: %s>" % (self.format_context(), self.format_error()) else: return "<%s>" % self.format_error() def __str__(self): return repr(self) def __eq__(self, other): if type(self) is not type(other): return False for slot in self.__slots__: if getattr(self, slot) != getattr(other, slot): return False return True def format_context(self): def context(): for node in self.context: if isinstance(node, str) and "." in node: yield "[%s]" % node else: yield str(node) return ".".join(context()) def format_error(self): def params(): for slot in self.__slots__[1:]: # Exclude ``context`` yield "%s=%r" % (slot, getattr(self, slot)) return "%s(%s)" % (self.__class__.__name__, ", ".join(params()))
[docs]class ConditionError(ValidationError): """ Base Class for Condition Errors It has a couple of attributes ``expected`` and ``actual``, that gives info of what happens and why the error is raised. See derived classes for details. """ __slots__ = ValidationError.__slots__ + ("expected", "actual")
[docs]class InvalidTypeError(ConditionError): """ Invalid Type Error :param type expected: expected type (types). :type expected: type or tuple :param type actual: actual type of value. """ __slots__ = ConditionError.__slots__
[docs]class OptionsError(ConditionError): """ Options Error :param expected: list of valid values. :type expected: list or tuple :param actual: actual value. """ __slots__ = ConditionError.__slots__
[docs]class MinValueError(ConditionError): """ Minimum Value Error :param expected: minimal allowed value. :param actual: actual value. """ __slots__ = ConditionError.__slots__
[docs]class MaxValueError(ConditionError): """ Maximum Value Error :param expected: maximal allowed value. :param actual: actual value. """ __slots__ = ConditionError.__slots__
[docs]class FloatValueError(ConditionError): """ Float Value Error :param str expected: * ``"number"`` on test for ``Not-a-Number``; * ``"finite"`` on test for ``Infinity``. :param float actual: actual value. """ __slots__ = ConditionError.__slots__
[docs]class StrDecodeError(ConditionError): """ String Decode Error :param str expected: encoding name. :param bytes actual: actual byte-string value. """ __slots__ = ConditionError.__slots__
[docs]class MinLengthError(ConditionError): """ Minimum Length Error :param int expected: minimal allowed length. :param int actual: actual value length. """ __slots__ = ConditionError.__slots__
[docs]class MaxLengthError(ConditionError): """ Maximum Length Error :param int expected: maximal allowed length. :param int actual: actual value length. """ __slots__ = ConditionError.__slots__
[docs]class TupleLengthError(ConditionError): """ Tuple Length Error :param int expected: tuple length. :param int actual: actual value length. """ __slots__ = ConditionError.__slots__
[docs]class PatternMatchError(ConditionError): """ Pattern Match Error :param str expected: pattern, i.e. regular expression. :param str actual: actual value. """ __slots__ = ConditionError.__slots__
[docs]class DatetimeParseError(ConditionError): """ Date & Time Parse Error :param str expected: format. :param str actual: actual value. """ __slots__ = ConditionError.__slots__
[docs]class DatetimeTypeError(ConditionError): """ Date & Time Type Error :param str expected: expected type of datetime: "naive" or "tzaware". :param datetime actual: actual value. """ __slots__ = ConditionError.__slots__
[docs]class RecursionMaxDepthError(ConditionError): """ Recursion Maximum Depth Error :param int expected: maximal allowed depth. :param int actual: actual recursion depth. """ __slots__ = ConditionError.__slots__
[docs]class MappingKeyError(ValidationError): """ Base Class for Mapping Key Errors :param key: failed key, that goes into error context. .. testsetup:: mapping_key_error from validx.exc import MappingKeyError .. doctest:: mapping_key_error >>> e = MappingKeyError("foo") >>> e <foo: MappingKeyError()> """ __slots__ = ValidationError.__slots__ def __init__(self, context=None, key=None): if context is not None and not isinstance(context, deque): context = deque([context]) super(MappingKeyError, self).__init__(context) if key is not None: self.add_context(key)
[docs]class ForbiddenKeyError(MappingKeyError): """Forbidden Mapping Key Error""" __slots__ = MappingKeyError.__slots__
[docs]class MissingKeyError(MappingKeyError): """Missing Mapping Key Error""" __slots__ = MappingKeyError.__slots__
[docs]class SchemaError(ValidationError): """ Schema Error It is an error class, that wraps multiple errors occurred during complex structure validation. :param list errors: list of all errors occurred during complex structure validation. """ __slots__ = ValidationError.__slots__ + ("errors",) def __init__(self, context=None, errors=None): if context is not None and not isinstance(context, deque): errors = context context = None super(SchemaError, self).__init__(context, errors=errors) def __getitem__(self, index): return self.errors[index] def __len__(self): return len(self.errors) def __iter__(self): for error in self.errors: yield error def sort(self, key=None, reverse=False): if key is None: key = lambda error: tuple(repr(node) for node in error.context) self.errors.sort(key=key, reverse=reverse) def __repr__(self): errors = ",\n".join(" %r" % e for e in self.errors) return "<%s(errors=[\n%s\n])>" % (self.__class__.__name__, errors) def add_context(self, node): for e in self.errors: e.add_context(node) return self