Source code for

from warnings import warn

from . import classes, instances
from import ABC, abstractmethod
from ..compat.colabc import Mapping, Sequence, Container
from ..compat.types import chars

[docs]class Validator(ABC): """ Abstract Base Validator :param str alias: if it specified, the instance will be added into registry, see :func:``. :param bool replace: if it is ``True`` and ``alias`` specified, the instance will be added into registry, replacing any existent validator with the same alias, see :func:``. :param \\**kw: concrete validator attributes. """ __slots__ = () def __init__(self, alias=None, replace=False): self._register(alias, replace) def _register(self, alias=None, replace=False): if alias is not None: if replace: instances.put(alias, self) else: instances.add(alias, self)
[docs] @abstractmethod def __call__(self, value, __context=None): """ Validate value. This is an abstract method, and it should be implemented by descendant class. """
def __setattr__(self, name, value): # pragma: no cover raise NotImplementedError("%s object is immutable", self.__class__) def __repr__(self): params = ", ".join("%s=%r" % (slot, value) for slot, value in self.params()) return "<%s(%s)>" % (self.__class__.__name__, params) def __eq__(self, other): return self.__class__ is other.__class__ and tuple(self.params()) == tuple( other.params() ) def __reduce__(self): return (_load_recurcive, (self.dump(),)) def params(self): for slot in self.__slots__: value = getattr(self, slot) if value is not None and value is not False: yield slot, value
[docs] def dump(self): """ Dump validator. .. testsetup:: dump from validx import Int .. doctest:: dump >>> Int(min=0, max=100).dump() == { ... "__class__": "Int", ... "min": 0, ... "max": 100, ... } True """ def _dump(value): if isinstance(value, Validator): return value.dump() if isinstance(value, Mapping): return {k: _dump(v) for k, v in value.items()} if isinstance(value, Sequence) and not isinstance(value, chars): return [_dump(i) for i in value] if isinstance(value, Container) and not isinstance(value, chars): return set(value) return value result = {"__class__": self.__class__.__name__} for slot, value in self.params(): result[slot] = _dump(value) return result
[docs] @staticmethod def load(params, update=None, unset=None, **kw): """ Load validator. .. testsetup:: load from validx import Validator, Int, instances .. testcleanup:: load instances.clear() .. doctest:: load >>> Validator.load({ ... "__class__": "Int", ... "min": 0, ... "max": 100, ... }) <Int(min=0, max=100)> >>> # Add into registry >>> some_int = Validator.load({ ... "__class__": "Int", ... "min": 0, ... "max": 100, ... "alias": "some_int", ... }) >>> some_int <Int(min=0, max=100)> >>> # Load from registry by alias >>> Validator.load({"__use__": "some_int"}) is some_int True >>> # Clone from registry by alias >>> Validator.load({ ... "__clone__": "some_int", ... "update": { ... "min": -100, ... }, ... }) <Int(min=-100, max=100)> """ assert isinstance(params, dict), "Expected %r, got %r" % (dict, type(params)) assert "__class__" in params or "__use__" in params or "__clone__" in params, ( "One of keys ['__class__', '__use__', '__clone__'] must be specified in: %r" % params ) _update = {} _unset = {} if update is not None: for key, value in update.items(): if key.startswith("/"): key = key.replace("/", ".").lstrip(".") _update[key] = value warn( "This syntax is deprecated. " "Consider to use '%s+' instead." % key, DeprecationWarning, ) elif key.endswith("+"): key = key.rstrip("+") _update[key] = value elif key.endswith("-"): key = key.rstrip("-") _unset[key] = value else: context_key, value_key = ( key.rsplit(".", 1) if "." in key else ("", key) ) _update.setdefault(context_key, {})[value_key] = value if kw: _update.setdefault("", {}).update(kw) if unset is not None: for key, value in unset.items(): key = key.replace("/", ".").lstrip(".") _unset[key] = value warn( "This syntax is deprecated. " "Consider to use '%s-' instead " "and place it into update param." % key, DeprecationWarning, ) return _load_recurcive(params, _update, _unset)
[docs] def clone(self, update=None, unset=None, **kw): """ Clone validator. .. testsetup:: clone from validx import Int .. doctest:: clone >>> some_enum = Int(options=[1, 2, 3]) >>> some_enum.clone( ... { ... "nullable": True, ... "options+": [4, 5], ... "options-": [1, 2], ... } ... ) == Int(nullable=True, options=[3, 4, 5]) True In fact, the method is a shortcut for: .. code-block:: python self.load(self.dump(), update, **kw) """ return self.load(self.dump(), update, unset, **kw)
def _load_recurcive(params, update=None, unset=None, path=()): path_key = ".".join(path) update_this = update.get(path_key) if update is not None else None unset_this = unset.get(path_key) if unset is not None else None if isinstance(params, dict): result = { key: _load_recurcive(value, update, unset, path + (str(key),)) for key, value in params.items() } if update_this is not None: result.update( {key: _load_recurcive(value) for key, value in update_this.items()} ) if unset_this is not None: for key in unset_this: try: del result[key] except KeyError: raise KeyError("%r is not in dict at '%s'" % (key, path_key)) if "__class__" in result: classname = result.pop("__class__") class_ = classes.get(classname) return class_(**result) if "__clone__" in result: alias = result.pop("__clone__") instance = instances.get(alias) return instance.clone(**result) if "__use__" in result: return instances.get(result["__use__"]) return result if isinstance(params, set): result = set(params) if update_this is not None: result.update(update_this) if unset_this is not None: for value in unset_this: try: result.remove(value) except KeyError: raise KeyError("%r is not in set at '%s'" % (value, path_key)) return result if isinstance(params, list): result = [ _load_recurcive(value, update, unset, path + (str(num),)) for num, value in enumerate(params) ] if update_this is not None: result.extend(_load_recurcive(value) for value in update_this) if unset_this is not None: for value in unset_this: value = _load_recurcive(value) try: result.remove(value) except ValueError: raise ValueError("%r is not in list at '%s'" % (value, path_key)) return result return params