Source code for validx.exc.markers

[docs]class Extra(object): """ Extra Key Context Marker It is a special context marker, that is used by mapping validators to indicate, which part of extra key/value pair is failed. There are two constants in the module: * ``EXTRA_KEY`` indicates that key validation is failed; * ``EXTRA_VALUE`` indicates that value validation is failed. It has special representation, to be easily distinguished from other string keys. :param str name: name of pair part, i.e. ``KEY`` or ``VALUE``. .. doctest:: extra >>> from validx import exc, Dict, Str >>> schema = Dict(extra=(Str(maxlen=2), Str(maxlen=4))) >>> try: ... schema({"xy": "abc", "xyz": "abcde"}) ... except exc.ValidationError as e: ... error = e >>> error <SchemaError(errors=[ <xyz.@KEY: MaxLengthError(expected=2, actual=3)>, <xyz.@VALUE: MaxLengthError(expected=4, actual=5)> ])> >>> repr(error[0].context[1]) '@KEY' >>> error[0].context[1].name 'KEY' >>> error[0].context[1] is exc.EXTRA_KEY True >>> error[1].context[1] is exc.EXTRA_VALUE True """ __slots__ = ("name",) def __init__(self, name): = name def __repr__(self): return "@%s" % def __eq__(self, other): return self.__class__ is type(other) and == def __reduce__(self): return (self.__class__, (,))
[docs]class Step(object): """ Step Number Context Marker It is a special context marker, that is used by pipeline validators to indicate, which validation step is failed. It has special representation, to be easily distinguished from sequence indexes. :param int num: number of failed step. .. doctest:: step >>> from validx import exc, OneOf, Int >>> schema = OneOf(Int(min=0, max=10), Int(min=90, max=100)) >>> try: ... schema(50) ... except exc.ValidationError as e: ... error = e >>> error <SchemaError(errors=[ <#0: MaxValueError(expected=10, actual=50)>, <#1: MinValueError(expected=90, actual=50)> ])> >>> repr(error[0].context[0]) '#0' >>> error[0].context[0].num 0 >>> isinstance(error[0].context[0], exc.Step) True """ __slots__ = ("num",) def __init__(self, num): self.num = num def __repr__(self): return "#%s" % self.num def __eq__(self, other): return self.__class__ is type(other) and self.num == other.num def __reduce__(self): return (self.__class__, (self.num,))