Changes ======= 0.8.1 ----- * Fixed :class:`` and :class:`` restricting mappings from their valid input. * Fixed cloning and representing of :class:`` validator constructed with ``False`` or ``None`` a value. * Fixed nullable check of :class:`` validator constructed with ``object`` as a type. 0.8 --- * Dropped Python 3.5 support. * Added Python 3.10, 3.11 support. * Fixed handling UNIX-timestamps by :class:`` and :class:`` validators. * Added ability to specify default time which is used to implicitly convert ``date`` to ``datetime`` within :class:`` validator. * Fixed handling ``bool`` values by :class:`` and :class:`` validators. * Changed behavior of :class:`` validator, it now strips leading & trailing whitespace by default. Use ``dontstrip=True`` parameter to disable the stripping. * Added ability to normalize spaces by :class:`` validator, i.e. replace space sequences by single space character. Use ``normspace=True`` parameter to enable the normalization. * Added ``coerce`` parameter to :class:`` validator, which can be useful to sanitize data from sources with automatic type inferring, where string data might be incorrectly interpreted as another type. * Unified behavior of Python and Cython versions of :class:`` validator. Both versions support unlimited integer numbers now. * Added new :class:`` validator. * Added new :class:`` validator. * Renamed ``FloatValueError`` to :class:`validx.exc.NumberError`, so it is now used for both :class:`` and :class:`` validators. * Added new :class:`validx.exc.CoerceError` which is raised instead of :class:`validx.exc.InvalidTypeError` when type coercion fails. 0.7 --- * Dropped Python 2.7 support. * Fixed ``relmin/relmax`` checks for :class:`` validator with timezone. * Fixed constructing Cython version of :class:`` validator with type created from metaclass. 0.6.1 ----- * Fixed type declarations for :meth:`` method. 0.6 --- * Added Python 3.8 into test matrix. * Made validators immutable. * Added contracts checks on validator initialization. * Added new simplified syntax for :ref:`usage-cloning-validators`. * Got rid of global state within :class:`` validator. It now acts like a pure function. * Fixed raising of ambiguous :class:`validx.exc.MinLengthError` on :class:`` and :class:`` validation. 0.5.1 ----- * Fixed type declarations. Again. One does not simply make mypy happy. 0.5 --- * Removed confusing nullable check from :class:`` validator. * Fixed type declarations. 0.4 --- * Fixed library objects pickling. * Fixed checking of length within :class:`` validator. 0.3 --- * Fixed handling of default values and length validation within :class:`` validator. 0.2 --- * Added support of timezones into :class:`` and :class:`` validators. * Added support of custom parsers into :class:``, :class:``, and :class:`` validators. * Added :class:`` validator for custom types. 0.1 --- * Initial release.