Source code for

import re

from .. import exc
from .. import contracts
from . import abstract

[docs]class Str(abstract.Validator): """ Unicode String Validator :param bool nullable: accept ``None`` as a valid value. :param bool coerce: convert non-string value to ``str``, **use with caution** (see notes below). :param bool dontstrip: do not strip leading & trailing whitespace. :param bool normspace: normalize spaces, i.e. replace any space sequence by single space char. :param str encoding: try to decode ``bytes`` to ``str`` using specified encoding. :param int minlen: lower length limit. :param int maxlen: upper length limit. :param str pattern: validate string using regular expression. :param iterable options: explicit enumeration of valid values. :raises InvalidTypeError: * if ``value is None`` and ``not self.nullable``; * if ``not isinstance(value, str)``. :raises StrDecodeError: if ``value.decode(self.encoding)`` raises ``UnicodeDecodeError``. :raises MinLengthError: if ``len(value) < self.minlen``. :raises MaxLengthError: if ``len(value) > self.maxlen``. :raises PatternMatchError: if ``value`` does not match ``self.pattern``. :raises OptionsError: if ``value not in self.options``. :note: Since any Python object can be converted to a string, using ``coerce`` without other checks in fact validates nothing. It can be useful though to sanitize data from sources with automatic type inferring, where string data might be incorrectly interpreted as another type. For example, phone number as ``int``, version number as ``float``, etc. """ __slots__ = ( "nullable", "coerce", "dontstrip", "normspace", "encoding", "minlen", "maxlen", "pattern", "options", ) def __init__( self, nullable=False, coerce=False, dontstrip=False, normspace=False, encoding=None, minlen=None, maxlen=None, pattern=None, options=None, alias=None, replace=False, ): nullable = contracts.expect_flag(self, "nullable", nullable) coerce = contracts.expect_flag(self, "coerce", coerce) dontstrip = contracts.expect_flag(self, "dontstrip", dontstrip) normspace = contracts.expect_flag(self, "normspace", normspace) encoding = contracts.expect_str(self, "encoding", encoding, nullable=True) minlen = contracts.expect_length(self, "minlen", minlen, nullable=True) maxlen = contracts.expect_length(self, "maxlen", maxlen, nullable=True) pattern = contracts.expect_str(self, "pattern", pattern, nullable=True) options = contracts.expect_container( self, "options", options, nullable=True, item_type=str ) setattr = object.__setattr__ setattr(self, "nullable", nullable) setattr(self, "coerce", coerce) setattr(self, "dontstrip", dontstrip) setattr(self, "normspace", normspace) setattr(self, "encoding", encoding) setattr(self, "minlen", minlen) setattr(self, "maxlen", maxlen) setattr(self, "pattern", pattern) setattr(self, "options", options) self._register(alias, replace) def __call__(self, value, __context=None): if value is None and self.nullable: return value if not isinstance(value, str): if isinstance(value, bytes) and self.encoding is not None: try: value = value.decode(self.encoding) except UnicodeDecodeError: raise exc.StrDecodeError(expected=self.encoding, actual=value) elif self.coerce: value = str(value) else: raise exc.InvalidTypeError(expected=str, actual=type(value)) if not self.dontstrip: value = value.strip() if self.normspace: value = re.sub(r"\s+", " ", value) length = len(value) if self.minlen is not None and length < self.minlen: raise exc.MinLengthError(expected=self.minlen, actual=length) if self.maxlen is not None and length > self.maxlen: raise exc.MaxLengthError(expected=self.maxlen, actual=length) if self.pattern and not re.match(self.pattern, value): raise exc.PatternMatchError(expected=self.pattern, actual=value) if self.options is not None and value not in self.options: raise exc.OptionsError(expected=self.options, actual=value) return value
[docs]class Bytes(abstract.Validator): """ Byte String Validator :param bool nullable: accept ``None`` as a valid value. :param int minlen: lower length limit. :param int maxlen: upper length limit. :raises InvalidTypeError: * if ``value is None`` and ``not self.nullable``; * if ``not isinstance(value, bytes)``. :raises MinLengthError: if ``len(value) < self.minlen``. :raises MaxLengthError: if ``len(value) > self.maxlen``. """ __slots__ = ("nullable", "minlen", "maxlen") def __init__( self, nullable=False, minlen=None, maxlen=None, alias=None, replace=False ): nullable = contracts.expect_flag(self, "nullable", nullable) minlen = contracts.expect_length(self, "minlen", minlen, nullable=True) maxlen = contracts.expect_length(self, "maxlen", maxlen, nullable=True) setattr = object.__setattr__ setattr(self, "nullable", nullable) setattr(self, "minlen", minlen) setattr(self, "maxlen", maxlen) self._register(alias, replace) def __call__(self, value, __context=None): if value is None and self.nullable: return value if not isinstance(value, bytes): raise exc.InvalidTypeError(expected=bytes, actual=type(value)) length = len(value) if self.minlen is not None and length < self.minlen: raise exc.MinLengthError(expected=self.minlen, actual=length) if self.maxlen is not None and length > self.maxlen: raise exc.MaxLengthError(expected=self.maxlen, actual=length) return value